Frequently asked questions.
About the QCTO
the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO)has taken over the accreditation, implementation and certification of all occupational qualifications from SETAs.
The change from SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority) to QCTO qualifications is part of the government’s efforts to streamline and improve the country’s education and training. It also ushers in a move to incorporate workplace experience into learning to promote work readiness in all vocation.
The QCTO is responsible for quality assurance and the oversight of the design, accreditation, implementation, assessment and certification of occupational qualifications, part-qualifications and skills programmes. It also takes charge of the final summative exams that students ill have to write in order to be awarded an occupational certificate.
QCTO Qualifications and Learnerships -are comprised of three components and two sets of assessmsnts:
- Knowledge component – classroom sessions exploring theory.
- Practical component – includes simulated workplace training subject to assessment by accredited workplace assessors.
- Workplace Modules which are done in appropriate workplaces under mentors.
- Internal assessments to gain a statement of results and entry to the final exams
- External Integrated Summative Assessment – a final exam written at an Accredited Assessment centre.
Duration: The duration of QCTO qualifications depend on the number of credits for specific qualifications.
SETA Qualifications and Learnerships are comprised of two components:
- 30% classroom time.
- 70% on the job work experience.
- Assessments were conducted internally by accredited Training Service Providers following the completion of each learning programme throughout the duration the learnership (12 months).
Duration: SETA learnerships are mostly 12 months long
The External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) is an integral and critical component of the QCTO’s quality assurance system. It is a single national assessment leading to the awarding of an Occupational Certificate. EISA ensures that the assessment of occupational qualifications, part qualifications and trades is standardised, consistent and credible.
For learners to qualify for entry to EISA, they must provide proof of completion of all required knowledge, practical and work experience modules as stipulated in the qualification. The statement of results ( SOR) obtained from the Skills Development Provider serves as proof that the candidate has satisfied all the requirements to be admitted to sit for EISA.
An integral and critical component of the QCTO’s quality assurance system is the
issuing of certificates to learners who have demonstrated competence against
occupational qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National
Qualifications Framework (NQF).
The QCTO will work closely with Assessment Quality Partners (AQPs) who will
recommend certification of learners to the QCTO.
Principles and processes through which the prior knowledge and /or skills of a person are made visible and are assessed for the purposes of certification, alternative access and admission and future learning and development.
About SETA
SETA, which stands for Sector Education and Training Authority, is a South African body in charge of overseeing skills development and training within a particular industry sector.
Currently, there are 21 SETAs that focus on promoting skills development in their sectors.
Their primary function is to facilitate skills development through learning programmes like learnerships, skills programmes, internships and other learning programmes.
A Unit standard is a small learning unit which forms part of a qualification.
A short course usually consists of a single unit standard. They are designed to improve or refresh knowledge and skills in a particular field and for personal, social, or professional development. It should be noted that most short courses are non-credit bearing; however, internal credit accumulation can be done at Vital College once you have met the minimum credit requirement to be registered for a Skills Program.
A Skills Programme is a number of unit standards (or courses) which are occupationally based and when completed will constitute credits towards a qualification.
Credit-bearing courses are a type of short learning programme for which credits, about the course’s contribution to a unit standard and/or (part) qualification, are awarded and whereby you will receive a Statement of Results from the relevant SETA as well as a Certificate of Achievement from Vital College. However, a course can only be credit-bearing if it meets SETA requirements or is done according to suggested SETA learning programmes.
A non-credit bearing course is a short learning programme for which no credits are awarded about unit standards or (part) qualifications depending on the programme’s purpose and/or assessment. This means you will receive a Certificate of Attendance Non-Credit Bearing Certification upon completion of the course.
Online learning platform.
Online Platform
An electronic learning platform is an integrated set of interactive online services that provide trainers, learners, and others involved in education with information, tools, and resources to support and enhance education delivery and management. We at Vital College utilize the Moodle eLearning platform.
Just what is Moodle? Put simply, Moodle is a Learning Management System (LMS) used to manage, deliver and measure training and learning online.
Moodle is perhaps the most well-known LMS platform of its kind and is certainly widely used. Launched in 2002, it provides a way for those who manage training to deliver it flexibly and efficiently to different audiences.
Moodle is the online learning platform that we as well as many other educational institutions use to organise and present online learning programmes.
Once you have enrolled and paid your fees you will be provided with a username and password. These will allow you access to your Moodle platform in which your learning program will be resented to you. Herein you will find an easy to manage system in which you have access to your learning material, assessments, lecturers, webinars and much more. You will also be able to download your guides and other items and also in some cases perform your assessments using fillable documents.
The link to our Moodle platform is: [MOODLE]. Although you may not have access yet you can still see what this portal looks like.
This is an instructional approach that combines digital or online learning materials and activities with traditional face-to-face classroom methods.
Classroom instruction time may be replaced or augmented by online learning experiences, and online learning can include varying degrees of interaction or just time alone in independent study and learning activities. However, in a quality blended learning experience, the content and activities of both in-person and online learning are integrated with one another and work toward the same learning outcomes with the same content.